Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells ... We develop fundamental design principles for increasing the efficiency of solar cells using light trapping by scattering .... for Ag and Au are so close is due to the similarity in the real.
Prospects of near-field plasmonic absorption enhancement ... the semiconductor, due to the strong plasmonic near-field coupling. ... “Design principle for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells,” Appl. Phys. ..... The analysis conducted so far shows the importance of matching the wavelength of the plas-.
Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells ... ABSTRACT We develop fundamental design principles for increasing the efficiency of solar cells using light trapping by scattering from metal nanoparticles.
Incident angle dependence of absorption enhancement in ... localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes of the nanoparticle and ... “Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells,” Appl. Phys. Lett. ... methods can‟t be applied to a thin silicon film of a few micrometers, so other light harvesting.
Incident angle dependence of absorption enhancement in ... 2011年7月4日 - ... “Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells,” Appl. .... So a larger nanoparticle with a greater scattering efficiency clearly has ...
Broadband photocurrent enhancement in a-Si:H solar cells ... 2014年6月30日 - Plasmon-enhanced back reflectors, schematically shown in Fig. 1(a) ...... V relative to those reported so far for plasmon-enhanced a-Si:H solar cells. ... “Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells,” Appl. Phys.
Light trapping with plasmonic particles: beyond the dipole ... support resonant surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes at the interface ... “Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells,” Appl. Phys. ..... So far we have not discussed the effect of the phase of the scattered light, with respect to.
Light Trapping Design in Silicon-Based Solar Cells - InTech 2011年11月2日 - 2010; Li et al., 2011], so that incident light can reflect back and forth between the ...... Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar.
High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Physics, Materials, and Devices Addison Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ (1989) So ̈derstro ̈m, T., Haug, ... K.R., Polman, A.: Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced solar cells.
Loss mitigation in plasmonic solar cells: aluminium ... - Spiral 2013年10月7日 - truly broadband plasmon enhanced photocurrent and a 22% integrated .... prove crucial in optimizing photocurrent enhancements and so ..... Catchpole, K. R. & Polman, A. Design principles for particle plasmon enhanced.